策展助理 | Curatorial Assistant开幕时间|Opening
“藏猫猫”作为一种家喻户晓的民间游戏,它因满足规则简单、刺激与趣味并存而广为流传。躲藏者在行动时,更多考虑自身而非他者;在游戏进行时,也无需做出更多与他人互动的要求,所以,这项游戏能够获得众多内向者的喜爱。本次展览标题设为“藏猫猫俱乐部”,一方面呼应艺术家创作中,对于“藏猫猫”游戏的提及;另一方面,“俱乐部” 作为聚集人们在一起进行娱乐活动的社交场所,与“藏猫猫”并置在一起所产生的戏剧性效果,恰好贴合何海昱的创作中带有荒诞感的幽默与谐趣。
何海昱 He Haiyu
音乐会 Concert
囚禁的自由 Freedom of Imprisonment
Images copyright © Artist & BONIAN SPACE
He Haiyu, born in 1996 in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. She graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts with a Master Degree in Oil Painting in 2022, and she earned her Bachelor Degree from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2018.2024, Hide-and-Seek Club, BONIAN SPACE, Beijing;2023, Art AMOY, BONIAN SPACE, Amoy;2023, Seeing Through Light: The Intimate Narrative, BONIAN SPACE, Shanghai;2023, Beijing Contemporary Art Expo - REUNION, BONIAN SPACE, Beijing;2023, Design SHENZHEN, Meet Camera, Shenzhen;2022, Ommateum Plan-Blazing Galaxy, Westbund2022, BONIAN SPACE, Shanghai;2022, Fragments, BONIAN SPACE, Beijing.
Wang Yaoli is a curator, writer, and media worker based in Beijing, the director of BONIAN SPACE, with an MFA degree in Curatorial Practice from the School of Visual Arts (SVA), New York, and a BFA degree in major Art History and minors in Psychology and Japanese from the University of Miami (UM), Florida, USA. She focuses on the practice of emerging artists and the development of the contemporary art market. Her academic research focuses on the development of ecological art and biotechnology in the post-human context, as well as geo-folk cultures and mythology in contemporary society.
Established in Beijing in 2022, BONIAN SPACE focuses on discovering and encouraging emerging contemporary artists. The space supports vibrant artists with a global perspective to develop in their professional fields through various forms such as exhibitions, academic research, and public education. BONIAN SPACE is committed to promoting international communication and cooperation between artists, the public, and multiple institutions to explore new opportunities and possibilities in the contemporary art context.
Opening Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11:00-18:00地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路798艺术区七星东街E03楼二层I厅&四层II厅Address: Second Floor and Fourth Floor, Building E03, Qixing East Street, 798 Art Zone, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing